Want inspiration for the perfect food and drink ideas? From quick breakfasts to lavish weekend dinners, we have all the recipe ideas you need.
As a professional, you know that cooking is not just about following a recipe. Whether a complex Indian recipe or an English one, you need the perfect combination and proportion of ingredients. Fresh produce, the right condiments, the perfect seasoning powder all of them combine into a heady combination to create the perfect dish that your customers will love.
But even though you are adept at adding your own touches and flourishes to the dishes you work on in the kitchen, you constantly need creative inspiration. Your food also needs the right seasoning powders, the perfect sauces and condiments, to make every dish come alive.
At Unilever Food Solutions, we aim to not just inspire chefs to create new recipes but also create enduring, exciting flavours that will have customers coming back for more. It could be a Chinese recipe like gold coin or Jalapeno chicken, or a continental dish with flavours that explode on the tongue. Or it could be a luscious dessert recipe that rounds off the meal like a dream. Whatever yo aim to create, we help you create it better.
Contact no : +022 254787 / 58977412
Email Id: contact@unileverfoodsolutions.com
*Disclaimer: Free Demo & Samples will be offered only to Professional Chefs working in Hotels & Restaurants.
*For Professional Chefs Only